The Devil Or Satan
Elder Danny Ferrell
Elder Danny Ferrell
August Meeting – Saturday Afternoon Elder David Harrison
Sermon by Elder Craig Blair on Family Matters – PM from Matthew 6
Sermon by Elder Danny Ferrell on Teachings of Jesus from Matthew
Sermon by Elder Danny Ferrell on The Ordinance of Baptism from Matthew 3
Sermon by Elder Danny Ferrell on Three Hours Of Darkness from Matthew 27
Sermon by Elder David Elliott on Five Purposes of The Church from Matthew 22
Sermon by Elder Danny Ferrell on Baptism from Matthew 28
Sermon by Elder Chase Harrison on Let This Cup Pass from Matthew 26:36
Sermon by Elder Mike Roberts on Be Not Discouraged from Matthew 27:61
Sermon by Elder Danny Ferrell on Parables of The Kingdom of Heaven from Matthew 13
Sermon by Elder Danny Ferrell on Limited Atonement from Matthew